2d Landscape Architecture Rendering Realistic and Colorful Designs

Image by Landscape Design Advisor
www.landscape-design-advisor.com - This colorful 2d landscape architecture rendering was created using 2d shapes and architectural symbols from 2d Landscape Architecture. The sketch gives a bird’s eye view of a luxury beach resort, displaying every feature with full color 2d graphics, including trees and shrubs, outdoor furniture, people, and vehicles. Realistic landscape texture maps were used to create lawns, parking lots, and outdoor spas. These symbols and graphical representations make the 2d landscape architecture image come to life. For more member photos, visit us at www.landscape-design-advisor.com, follow us on Tweeter and Like us on Facebook for a free gift!
SceneTap - “facial detection” ... Friday debut of SF bar-cams stirs sour reception (May 17, 2012) ...item 4.. Dr. No - Original Trailer (1962) -- SPECTRE ...

Image by marsmet511
SceneTap is using facial detection software, which gathers 12 data points off an image, as opposed to facial recognition software, which grabs 36 data points, according to Nieman.
The data contains information related to facial characteristics and compares that to a data base of generic faces belonging to a wide range of anonymous people and looks for the closest match, he said.
........***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ........
... Image courtesy flickr.com/glennharper
Quotes ... Dr. No ... www.mi6-hq.com ... MI6 ... The Home Of James Bond 007
--- Quotes ...
Waiter: One medium-dry vodka martini, mixed like you said, Sir, not stirred...
--- Quotes ...
Dr. No: SPECTRE. Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Revenge and Extortion. The four great cornerstones of power, headed by the greatest brains in the world.
Bond: Correction, criminal brains.
Dr. No: The successful criminal brain is always superior. It has to be.
... Dr. No (film) ... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
Upon waking they are escorted to dine with Dr. No. He reveals that he is a member of SPECTRE (SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion) and plans to disrupt the Project Mercury space launch from Cape Canaveral with his atomic-powered radio beam.
After dinner Honey is taken away and Bond is beaten by the guards.
.....item 1).... CNET ... news.cnet.com ... CNET News Security & Privacy
Friday debut of SF bar-cams stirs sour reception
With a new service called SceneTap set to put video cameras in bars, privacy advocates warn that a red line's about to get crossed.
by Elinor Mills May 17, 2012 9:29 AM PDT
When San Francisco watering hole The Boardroom signed up last year to capture video at the bar and stream it live to the Web, manager Casey Gray liked the idea as a way to promote new business and remotely check in on what was going on.
So much for the best laid assumptions.
"At the time we didn't have any security cameras here, so it provided a service to me. I could hop on the phone and see what the bar was doing," Gray said in a phone interview from The Boardroom, which straddles the city's North Beach and Telegraph Hill neighborhoods. "I had 24-hour access, but the video might only show to the public for a few hours a day" on the Web. The service he was using was called BarSpace.
But after customers complained -- including several male patrons who expressed concern that their girlfriends could check up on their activities via the video stream -- The Boardroom turned off the camera after only a few months of operation.
"We stopped it because it was creepy and people didn't like it," Gray said. "There was push back from a lot of different people."
In what must feel like a deja vu moment, Gray is letting another startup put video cameras in another bar called Tope, which he owns. Only this time there won't be any streaming video of embarrassing or relationship-destroying bar room shenanigans.
Call it a sign of the times. Tope is one of about 20 bars launching a service called SceneTap in San Francisco on Friday. This may just be the start. SceneTap could conceivably prove useful for a variety of retail companies, providing data on when customers shop in stores, what items they browse, and other in-store behaviors and patterns. But it also raises expected hackles of privacy watchdogs who worry the data could be combined with a person's online footprint to do what even Google can't do right now -- match your Internet activities with your offline world. (Oh wait, they could do that by using SceneTap in Google Street View cars!)
-----I left my personal data in San Francisco
SceneTap's devices, located near the front entrance, keep track of the number of people who enter and exit a venue and use facial detection software on video feeds to figure out what gender and age customers appear to be. It provides that traffic and demographic information to bar owners who can design marketing and other promotions to target specific audiences, while users of the SceneTap app can see which bars in their area are "hopping."
That seems to be a far cry from sending live video to the Internet like the BarSpace service did, yet SceneTap has hit a a nerve in San Francisco, touching off a frenzy of criticism on blogs and social media sites.
"The people here care about our bars and clubs, we care about each other, and we take our privacy seriously around here," writes Violet Blue, a blogger at CNET sister site ZDNet. "We also know a lot about tech, so a startup that rolls in to carpetbag an invasive app space into clubbing is -- in most ways -- doomed to fail. There isn't much SceneTap could have done to smooth over the idea of putting cameras into bars -- in this city, anyway."
Managers of several bars in Chicago and Madison, Wis., where SceneTap has already launched, told CNET that they had not received any privacy complaints regarding the video cameras' presence in the bars. The service is also operating in Austin, Athens, Ga., Bloomington, Ind., and Gainesville, Fla., according to the company's Web site.
If SceneTap is getting this much heat before its San Francisco launch, how did BarSpace fare? Its domain is up for sale and the app is nowhere to be found.
BarSpace co-founder Michael Deignan told CNET that he and the other founders moved on to other ventures and shut down the service earlier this year. It had launched in 2009. "Up until we turned it off we had great traffic and a lot of customers," he said. "It made more sense to go over to a new company while it is hot and get it started. It's a resource issue."
Asked if there had been privacy complaints or lawsuits filed over the streaming video, Deignan said:
"There were no lawsuits and no complaints. If there were, it's nothing I heard about."
In fact, the startup got a spike in business following reports in The East Bay Express and the San Francisco Weekly last July that BarSpace was streaming from nearly 50 bars, he said. "It wasn't anything like the shit storm SceneTap is dealing with."
Even though live video is perceived as more invasive, BarSpace's video was taken of the whole room and not close up, and it was grainy with faces were blurred out, according to Deignan. Whereas, SceneTap appears to be doing data mining, he said, adding "Have you seen 'Minority Report?'"
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Andrew Nieman, director of business development at SceneTap, assured CNET that SceneTap is neither a reincarnation of BarSpace, nor a scene out of a scary sci-fi movie.
"We are not a check-in aggregator. We don't show you what people are doing there. It's a snapshot of data. It's like getting a text message from a friend" who is in a bar describing the scene, he said. "We don't record anything. We don't want to have the liability of having anything recorded and it would be expensive to store all the feeds in the cloud...Our system offers a lot more anonymity."
SceneTap is using facial detection software, which gathers 12 data points off an image, as opposed to facial recognition software, which grabs 36 data points, according to Nieman. The data contains information related to facial characteristics and compares that to a data base of generic faces belonging to a wide range of anonymous people and looks for the closest match, he said.
Just because SceneTap isn't doing more advanced facial recognition, which is used to identify specific faces, and doesn't store the data or stream it live now, does not mean it doesn't have the ability to add those capabilities or won't at some time in the future. Did anyone ever think Google circa 1999 would be so much more than just a search engine?
"I don't see us needing to go to that level or wanting to," Nieman said. When pressed later for additional comment on criticisms that the company's spectre could evolve, he provided this statement: "SceneTap has no intention to use any type of facial recognition technology. If facial recognition, not to be confused with facial detection, becomes mainstream in the future and widely used commercially across an array of industries, we will assess the situation at that point."
-----Smile for the camera
A big privacy concern with facial recognition is that it will be matched up with data in the cloud and thus identify you, and in many cases out you, depending on where you are or what you're doing.
"Even if they are warned, it's a bar. People's expectations of privacy in a place like that are" high, said Sarah Downey, online privacy analyst at online privacy firm Abine.
Many bars have security cameras installed, and no one seems to mind those. But, so far, their use has been as a deterrent or to rewind for crime investigations. "This is not security," said Downey, who created a rundown on facial recognition technology. "This is people watching."
img code photo ... John Colins in San Francisco
John Colins is one of about 20 bars in San Francisco planning to go live with the SceneTap video camera-based service that has prompted privacy concerns.
(Credit: James Martin/CNET)
In the rush to create innovative mobile apps and services, developers are failing to adequately understand the difference between activities and spaces that are public versus those that appear to be public but are considered private in context, said Jules Polonetsky, director of The Future of Privacy Forum. "We expect to be able to be obscure in public. We get that we are in a crowd, but we still don't believe that everyone of us is such a celebrity that whenever we step out of the house it's fair game for the app developer to use the data," he said. "Folks are trying to figure out what the lines are and it's not clear. That's why we see app developers pushing the envelope and causing a backlash."
The brouhaha over the privacy implications with SceneTap is causing at least one San Francisco bar owner to reconsider the decision to use the service.
"I'm almost about to yank the whole thing," said Colin O'Malley, owner of John Colins in the city's South of Market district. "I didn't think it was that big of a deal."
His plan has been to give it a shot for the three-month free trial and see if he's really getting enough valuable information about customer demographics. But not if customers complain.
"If it's too invasive for people, hey, I'm a man of the people and we'll yank it out," he said. "If it starts to affect my business, it's not worth it."
Topics:Privacy and data protection Tags:SceneTap, bars, privacy, BarSpace Elinor Mills
Elinor Mills covers Internet security and privacy. She joined CNET News in 2005 after working as a foreign correspondent for Reuters in Portugal and writing for The Industry Standard, the IDG News Service, and the Associated Press.
.....item 2).... www.sync-blog.com ... Home > Sync > Blog > Tech Trends > Mobile Apps
July 5, 2011 at 7:00 am
New app tracks male-to-female ratio at bars and clubs using “facial detection”
By Phil Tucker
SceneTap’s new location-based app tracks attendance, gender and more at bars and clubs in real-time.
img code photo ... “facial detection”
Image courtesy flickr.com/glennharper
Heading out for a night on the town? Chicago based startup SceneTap is looking to streamline the process of finding the perfect hotspot. Using “facial detection” software SceneTap tracks which bars and clubs have the most patrons and — more importantly — which have a favourable male-to-female ratio. Launching this month, SceneTap’s iOS and Android apps will provide users with real-time snapshot of what the demographics are at participating locations on any given night.
SceneTap will initially cover 50 bars in popular neighborhoods of Chicago, each of which will have a system installed with the ability to detect the number of patrons, their gender, age and more. This is accomplished using software which can detect human faces in video; many point-and-shoot digital cameras use similar algorithms in order to focus properly. Faces are then compared against a database in an attempt to determine the sex and age of the subject; are you a 25-year-old female? All of this valuable data is then combined and further analyzed to provide information such as the male-to-female ratio, the average age of patrons, who’s buying drinks and which bartender they prefer.
“This is going to change the way the bar industry runs” -Cole Harper, CEO, SceneTap
Even though it’s arriving hot on the heels of Facebook’s implementation of facial recognition, there’s a major difference between Facebook’s and SceneTap’s technology — SceneTap is anonymous. According to the company, there is no attempt to identify individuals (an activity known as “facial recognition”), but rather to discern gender, age and location within the establishment. These types of algorithms are referred to as “facial detection”, a subtle difference — but an important one. The distinction between these two terms revolves around identity; everything else about an individual is fair game as far as SceneTap is concerned.
For users the app is free; the company plans to make the bulk of its money via advertising and Groupon-like coupons. SceneTap will launch in Chicago in the middle of July and have partners in select cities across the U.S. shortly thereafter including New York, Boston, Miami, Austin, Columbus, Phoenix, St. Louis, San Diego and Las Vegas.
Slippery slopes and privacy concerns aside, I have to agree with the CEO — this is going to change the way the bar industry runs. The data this type of system could provide is unheard of in the industry. Aside from what’s already been mentioned, the potential is staggering — how many patrons left during a specific song? Or right after a particular promotion expired? How many patrons are dancing versus lounging? Are opposite sexes mingling? Are same sexes mingling? From an owner’s perspective adding a system like this seems like a no-brainer. For patrons there’s a new dilemma, do you head to the place where SceneTap says there’s a great gal-to-guy (or guy-to-gal) ratio or the opposite because everyone else is listening to SceneTap?
Do you think this use of facial detection will be beneficial or harmful to the public?
[Source: SceneTap, via Sync]
.....item 3).... Masable Business ... mashable.com ... Startup Helps You Scope Out The Scene By Putting Cameras In Bars
June 10, 2011 by Sarah Kessler
The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here.
---Name: SceneTap
---Quick Pitch: SceneTap tells you how crowded a bar is and what its gender ratio is in real time.
---Genius Idea: Relying on cameras instead of a checkin service to collect anonymous real-time data about a bar.
img code photo ... the scene
Whether you’re looking for a bar where conversation is possible or the loudest, most crowded bar in the city, it’s hard to tell where to find it. SceneTap wants to simplify this process by incorporating a live count of how many people are in a bar, the range of their ages, and their gender ratio into an iPhone app.
Instead of relying on a checkin service that might give clues as to how crowded a bar is, what SceneTap CEO Cole Harper has in mind is an accurate tally of patrons — whether or not they use a particular service. He says about 50 bars have already agreed to install cameras at their doors that can identify the gender and approximate age of patrons as they enter.
When the cameras go live sometime next month, SceneTap users will be able to get a glimpse of what the current scene at those bars is like based on that data. They’ll also be able to chat with the bar and other SceneTap users (i.e. “Are there any tables available?”), see specials and purchase Groupon-like deals using the apps.
Harper hopes bars will pay to participate in exchange for detailed analytic information about their customer bases and a social, location-based marketing tool.
img code photo ... Male Female ... Customers Entered
But there are two obvious and somewhat opposing risks in opting in: that the technology will creep people out and that it won’t be accurate enough to attract consumers.
“It’s less intrusive than scanning IDs,” Harper says about the former concern. “No personal data is obtained and nothing is recorded.”
The technology only notes a person’s gender and approximate age, he says. Some display advertising already uses a similar technology to record impressions, and you could argue that more data is collected about you during a Google search.
In order to understand what kind of person is entering a bar, SceneTap’s technology matches a person’s image with a database of faces to determine relative age. If the person matches a photo of someone in the database who is 27, for instance, that’s the age the camera will assign him or her.
To what degree of accuracy this method can label people — is a 23-year-old’s face shape much different than a 37-year-old’s face shape? — is something we’ll be able to test when the service actually goes live. For now, it’s just an interesting idea to consider as you start planning your Friday night.
Would you find a service like this useful for making plans? Are you bothered by the idea of a camera tallying your anonymous entrance to a bar? Let us know in the comments below.
Series Supported by Microsoft BizSpark
The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark, a startup program that gives you three-year access to the latest Microsoft development tools, as well as connecting you to a nationwide network of investors and incubators. There are no upfront costs, so if your business is privately owned, less than three years old, and generates less than U.S. million in annual revenue, you can sign up today.
.....item 4).... youtube video ... Dr No - Original Trailer ... 3:30 minutes
Uploaded by ChocolateFrogPrince on Apr 4, 2008
The first of the James bond films, and most famous for that exit from the sea of Ursula Andress.
Film & Animation
Standard YouTube License
One of the rare non-Apple laptops seen in an otherwise cool park full of cool people

Image by Ed Yourdon
This woman was typing away on a laptop computer ... alas, it was not an Apple Powerbook. But maybe she doesn't know any better. Just think: if she had been typing on a Mac, her photo probably would have been published a thousand times by now!
Late in the afternoon on the last day in March 2009, I walked into Bryant Park, which is located behind the New York Public Library, between 41st and 42nd Street, facing Avenue of the Americas. There were several people reading and basking in the sun, a couple people typing on their laptop computers, and one chess game underway. I spent about half an hour wandering around to see what looked photo-worthy, and then wandered off to get some dinner...
Note: even though this photo was taken in March 2009, Karen Bryan claims to have published it in a Nov 13, 2008 blog titled “'The Future of the Travel Blog' Presentation, Travel Blog Camp, London 11 November 2008." Back in the "real world," the photo was also published in an Apr 22, 2009 blog entitled "Greenify Your PC!." And it was published in a May 1, 2009 blog titled "Our New Toolbar Helps You Go Green." Then it was published in a Jul 8, 2009 blog titled "Five ways to maximize freelance writing income." And it was published in a Jul 16, 2009 blog titled "Facebook Your Way to Universal Healthcare in The Atlantic. More recently, it was published in an Aug 6, 2009 blog titled "Loudoun County Puts Development Applications Online, Earns National Accolades." And it was published in an Aug 17, 2009 Lifehacker blog titled "What Email Service Do You Use?" It was also published in a Sep 4, 2009 blog titled "http://humantrafficking.change.org/blog/view/want_to_blog_for_changeorg"
More recently, it was published in an undated (Oct 2009) blog titled "How to Fix Common Laptop Problems." And it was published in an Oct 21, 2009 Brazilian blog title " Custo é o diferencial na hora de escolher uma plataforma de blog." It was also published in a Nov 3, 2009 blog titled "What Do You Want Students To Do?" And it was published in an undated (Nov 2009) blog titled "Sedentary Runners." It was also published in a Nov 9, 2009 blog titled "Keep Your Health Club Members Coming Back By Allowing Them to Book Appointments Online." And it was published in a Nov 27, 2009 blog titled "Degrees of Presence IV: My experience." It was also published in a Dec 2, 2009 blog titled "Internet Linked to Intellect."
Continuing on, it was published again in a Dec 13, 2009 blog titled "Las ciudades del mundo más conectadas con Internet." It was also published in a Dec 14, 2009 German blog titled "Modisch immer Online auf MySpace Fashion." And it was published in a Dec 18, 2009 blog titled La primera red 4G del mundo se estrena en Suecia, whose URL Flickr is not allowing me to embed -- but it's www dot tuexperto dot com slash 2009/12/18/la-primera-red-4g-del-mundo-se-estrena-en-suecia/
Moving into 2010, the photo has been published in a Jan 5, 2010 Fast Company blog titled "What Women Want: Facebook Ads!", www-dot-fastcompany-dot-com/blog/maccabee-montandon/upswing/rise-fan-girls. And it was published in a Jan 11, 2010 blog titled "Caen las disqueras, sube la música." It was also published in a Jan 15, 2010 blog titled "School Lunches and 'Home' Work: Friday Finds." And it was published in a Jan 20, 2010 blog titled "Welcome to Mobility Hacks." It was also published in a Feb 2, 2010 blog titled "Thanks for Visiting." A week later, it was published in a Feb 9, 2010 blog titled "Większość polskich internautów korzysta z internetowych multimediów."
And the beat goes on: the photo was published in a Feb 17, 2010 blog titled "What does Matador mean to you?," as well as a Feb 17, 2010 Polish blog titled "Informacja stanie się walutą." On Feb 18, 2010 it was published in a blog titled "School uses laptop webcams to spy on students." And I discovered that it was published in an undated (Mar 2010) German blog titled "Einführung," which seems to provide an online service for Germans who want to learn to speak Italian. It was also published in a Mar 24, 2010 Mexican blog titled "Uso de software ilegal en el mundo." And it was published in an Apr 14, 2010 Italian blog titled "Le donne sfruttano il lato oscuro di Facebook," as well as an Apr 14, 2010 blog titled "10 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Laptop." About a week later, I found it on an undated (Apr 22, 2010?) blog titled "Ask the Readers: Your Favorite Online Resources." It was also published in an Apr 22, 2010 blog titled "The Evolution of a Blog." And it was published in an undated (Apr 2010) Mahalo-dot-com blog titled "Ask any question, any time." It was also published as an illustration in a May 12, 2010 Romanian(?) Gadgets blog, with the same title as the caption that I put on this Flickr page; and it was also published on May 12, 2010 in a blog titled "Definition of a Truly Mobile Job."
On May 17, 2010 the photo was published without any title or description on a Technologeek site. And on May 26, 2010, the photo was published in a Spanish blog titled "Buscar Pareja," and also a Norwegian blog titled "Her handler du best på nett." On May 30, 2010, it was published in a blog titled "What is the best laptop?." And on Jun 2, 2010 it was published in what appears to be a Polish blog, titled "Yahoo! grozi lokalnym mediom. Będzie walka o reklamodawców." It was also published in a Jun 10, 2010 Rent Laptop Computer blog, with a title that was a slightly bizarre variation on the caption that I used for this Flickr page: "ONE OF A SINGULAR NON-APPLE LAPTOPS SEEN IN AN DIFFERENTLY COLD PLAY GROUND FULL OF COLD PEOPLE."
On Jun 12, 2010, the photo was published in an Italian blog titled "Libri di donne: scarichiamoli gratis dalla rete." And on Jun 16, 2010 a cropped version of the photo was published in a Spanish blog titled "Encuentros en Sevilla: los mejores sitios para ligar." It was also published in a Jun 21,2010 FixALaptop blog titled "Where can I download a new free camera software for toshiba vista laptop?" And it was published in a Jun 23, 2010 blog titled " per unit community college fee gets some support." It was also published in two Jun 28, 2010 blogs" "Where to Write Out of the House," and "Why It’s So Easy to Spend Too Much Online." And it was published in a Jun 29, 2010 blog titled "What Women Want ... Online."
Moving into the second half of 2010, the photo was published in an undated (Jul 2010) blog titled "Study: Pro-Eating Disorder Sites Use Graphic Material to Encourage Anorexia, Bulimia." And it was published in a Jul 2, 2010 blog titled, "Do We Even Need Proper Food Critics?" It was also published in a Jul 7, 2010 Laptop PC Computers blog, with the same title as the caption that I used for this Flickr page. And it was published in a Jul 11, 2010 blog titled "Mute Teenager with Autism Finds Voice." It was also published in a Jul 15, 2010 blog titled "Facebook: A haven for cheaters?" And it was published in a Jul 22, 2010 blog titled " 7 Key Steps to Starting a Small Business Online TODAY!", as well as a Jul 23, 2010 blog titled "freelancer. ser ou não ser?" It was also published in a Jul 27, 2010 blog titled "Best Business Ideas for College Students." And it was published in an Aug 3, 2010 Computers & Electronics blog, with the same title as the caption that I used on this Flickr page, as well as an Aug 3, 2010 blog titled "No Link Between Social Media Use, Students’ Grades; Plus: Can Twitter Get You into College?" It was also published in an Aug 11, 2010 Buy Laptop Guide blog titled "apple laptop???????????????" as well as an Aug 11, 2010 blog titled "Why Aren't You Earning Your Online Psychology Degree?" It was also published in an Aug 12, 2010 blog titled "Sleep is for the Weak." And it was published in an Aug 16, 2010 blog titled "It's Time Once Again for Back to School Week." It was also published in an Aug 30, 2010 "Money Saving Mom" blog titled "10 Ways to Protect Your Identity Online," and an Aug 31, 2010 blog titled "Great Advice on Protecting Your Identity Online!!." And it was published in a Sep 7, 2010 blog titled "Strategies for Curating Online Reading Sources."
Okay, so now Labor Day has come and gone, and the publications continue on into the fall. On Sep 13, 2010 the photo was published in a blog titled "Continuing the Blogging for Money Conversation," as well as a Sep 13, 2010 blog titled "best five laptops with high configurations?" It was also published in a Sep 15, 2010 blog titled "Concurso de ensayo: España después de la crisis." And it was published in a Sep 18, 2010 blog titled "10 Must-Haves to Travel Nomadic." It was also published in a Sep 21, 2010 blog titled "AVODAH Introduces a New National Blog." And it was published in a Sep 24, 2010 blog titled "Five Helpful Travel Blogging Tips," as well as a Sep 24, 2010 blog titled "Laptop Reviews:How about getting free laptop with mobile phones?" and a Sep 24, 2010 blog titled "Laptop Reviews:Apple Macbook: Just Like We Wanted." It was also published in a Sep 30, 2010 blog titled "Prima di Comprare Ci Informiamo Su Internet, Sempre di Più," and a Sep 30, 2010 blog titled "SEO Copywriting Basics You Need to Know." It was also published in an Oct 8, 2010 blog titled "Online Masters’ Degree – What are the Subjects to opt for?"
Moving into the final two months of the year, the photo was published in a Nov 8, 2010 blog titled "Freelance Your Writing? Try Plr." And it was published in a Nov 10, 2010 Best Laptop for the Money blog, with the same title and detailed notes as what I had written here on this Flickr page. It was also published in a Nov 11, 2010 blog titled "Las relaciones de pareja y el trabajo," as well as a Nov 11, 2010 blog titled "Why You Should Start a Blog: Three Important Reasons to Consider." And it was published in a Nov 12,2010 blog with the curious title of "Overhating [sic] problem in laptops." It was also published in a Nov 17, 2010 blog titled "It's National Unfriend Day: Who Goes First?" And it was published in a Nov 18, 2010 Polish blog titled "100 Mb/s bez kabla od Polsatu. Będziemy mieli najlepszy Internet na świecie?," and another Nov 18, 2010 blog titled "La netiqueta." It was also published in a Nov 21, 2010 blog titled "Virtuelle Adventskalender." And i was published in an undated (late Nov 2010) blog titled "Different Methods to Work From Home and Make Money Online." It was also published in a Nov 26, 2010 Lifehacker blog titled "Planhacker: Best Occasional Use Prepaid 3G Broadband Deals," as well as a Nov 26, 2010 blog titled "Going Internet-Lite." And it was also published in a Nov 26, 2010 blog titled アメリカ旅行でも仕事環境を準備するお話。at linker.in/journal/2010/11/mobile-trip.php. It was also published as an illustration in an undated (late Nov 2010) Writer's World blog.
In the final month of 2010, the photo was published in a Dec 8, 2010 blog titled "The Brief History of Apple Laptops." It was also published in a Dec 9, 2010 blog titled "A Guide To Online Dating In New York City." And it was published in a Dec 10, 2010 Smookey blog with the same title and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page. It was also published in a Dec 15, 2010 Dutch "Joop" blog titled "EU-surfer beter beschermd tegen ongewenste reclame." And it was published in a Dec 16, 2010 blog titled "mi date un sito per comprare online?" It was also published in a Dec 17, 2010 blog titled "Ma con POSTEPAY posso comprare nei negozi? o posso solo comprare su internet?" as well as another Dec 17, 2010 blog titled "What are tips on how to avoid players with online dating? What should I look for in the profile?" and yet another Dec 17, 2010 blog titled "Pranzare di fronte al computer fa mangiare di più." It was also published in an undated (late Dec 2010) blog titled "Q&A: mi potete cosigliare un sito per comprare trucchi, pennelli ecc online?" It was also published in a Dec 26, 2010 New Home Businesses blog, with the same title as the caption that I put on this Flickr page. And it was published in a Dec 29, 2010 blog titled "How An Entrepreneur Create New Products At Lightning Speed."
Moving into 2011, the photo was published in a Jan 2, 2011 blog titled "Q&A: how could i make money online free?", as well as a Jan 2, 2011 blog titled "How to know which SEO software suits your search engine optimization needs?" It was also published in a Jan 4, 2011 blog titled "Online Degrees: A More Affordable And Flexible Higher." And it was published in a Jan 5, 2011 blog titled "Legitimate Paid Surveys – How to Earn Money Online from Home Starting Today ." It was also published in a Jan 9, 2011 blog titled "ciao raga ho un amica che vorrebbe comprare un cell su e bay, sevondo voi e sicuro?" And it was published in an undated (Jan 2011) "Forward SIngles" blog, titled "Медиите за Forward Singles (3)." It was also published in a Jan 19, 2011 blog titled "Getting A Degree In Sports Marketing." And it was published in a Jan 21, 2011 blog titled " Evoquer publiquement sa réussite, ses revenus internet, ou pas…" It was also published in a Jan 27, 2011 blog titled "http://interaktywnie.com/biznes/newsy/domeny/home-pl-tworzy-gielde-domen-18993." And it was published in a Jan 30, 2011 blog titled "Q&A: do I have an eating disorder?"
The photo was also published in a Feb 3, 2011 blog titled "AWP 2011 Panel Post: How To Get Beyond “Using Social Media” & Become A Social Artist Instead." And it was published in a Feb 4, 2011 blog titled "Thanks for Visiting." It was also published in a Feb 7, 2011 blog titled "Consommation et Affirmation de soi : quand le numérique détrône l’automobile." And it was published in a Feb 8, 2011 blog titled "Zoosk To Lead Online Dating Space." It was also published in a Feb 15,2011 blog titled "Unable to meet enrollment goals, CSU may have to return state funds." And it was published in a Feb 18, 2011 blog titled "Google’s travel deal faces regulatory turbulence." It was also published in a Feb 19, 2011 blog titled "MIT Entrepreneurship Review: Designing Customer Surveys That Work: Focus On Value," with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page. It was also published in a Feb 23, 2011 blog titled "Digitale bouwstenen." And it was published in a Feb 27, 2011 Eliminate Debt Working from Home blog, with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page. And it was published in an Apr 23, 2011 blog titled Laptop Reviews – Best Mini Laptop 2011
The photo was also published in a Mar 4, 2011 Chilean blog titled "10 formas de organizar mejor tu tiempo." And it was published in a Mar 5, 2011 blog titled "Local High School Uses Digital Textbooks." It was also published in a Mar 7, 2011 blog titled "La crisis dispara la tasa de ocupación de la mujer mayor de 45 años." And it was published in a Mar 11, 2011 blog titled "Une table ronde autour des tendances du eCommerce." It was also published in a Mar 14, 2011 PC Gadgiator blog, with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page. And it was published in a Mar 15, 2011 blog titled "New Cyberbullying Study Reveals that Students Bullying Are More Likely Insecure, Negative Towards Teachers." It was also published in a Mar 22, 2011 blog titled "How to Speak in German: 3 Unusual Facts for Beginners." And it was published in a Mar 24, 2011 blog titled "Cum abordezi o tipa pe Facebook."
Moving into the month of April, the photo was published in an Apr 7, 2011 blog titled "Download Sucker Punch Movie-The Story of A Young Courageous Girl." It was also published in an Apr 17, 2011 blog titled "Keeping JSP Development Alive." It was also published in an Apr 19, 2011 "Moscow News" article titled "Попались в женские сети." And it was published in an Apr 23, 2011 blog titled "Laptop Reviews – Best Mini Laptop 2011." It was also published in an Apr 27, 2011 blog titled "Planning For Content Delivery, Consumption and Context." And it was published in an Apr 28, 2011 blog titled "¿Eres una mujer PANK?" It was also published in a Jun 6, 2011 blog titled "This question is for bloggers who make money blogging?" And it was published in a Jun 9, 2011 blog titled "New York City Adds Free AT&T Wi-Fi to Public Parks."
It was also published in an undated (early Jul 2011) blog titled "Advantages of Online Degree Programs." And it was published in an undated (mid-Jul 2011) MagForWomen blog titled "Read This Before Getting Into An Online Relationship." It was also published in a Jul 18, 2011 blog titled "Is technology making us stupid?" And it was published in a Jul 28, 2011 blog titled "Back-To-School Laptops that Don't Sacrifice Quality for Cost." It was also published in a Jul 29, 2011 blog titled "Travel Blogger, una nuova professione?" And it was published in an Aug 10, 2011 blog titled "Russian Storybooks Good for Beginners Learning the Language?" It was also published in an Aug 11, 2011 blog titled "Study Reports More Girls than Boys Cyberbullied." And it was published in an Aug 26, 2011 blog titled "Social networking helps students perform better, professor says," as well as an Aug 26, 2011 blog titled "Los amores en tiempos de internet." And it was published in a Sep 17, 2011 blog titled "La etopeya personal." It was also published in an Oct 3, 2011 Cool Best New Technology Gadgets images blog, with the same caption and detailed notes that I had written on this Flickr page. And it was published in an Oct 15, 2011 "Surviving College" blog titled "PROPERLY COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR PROFESSOR." It was also published in an Oct 21, 2011 blog titled "Disruptive News 21 Oktober 2011," and an Oct 21, 2011 blog titled "UC online instruction pilot sparks excitement, controversy." And it was published in a Nov 2, 2011 blog titled "Going Pro, at BlogWorld Expo 2011." It was also published in a Nov 22, 2011 blog titled "Virtuelle Adventskalender." And it was published in a Dec 9, 2011 blog titled "Es viernes ¿cuánto tiempo pasas conectado?
Moving into 2012, the photo was published in a Jan 2, 2012 blog titled "What would be the job title or the industry for these computer skills? , as well as a Jan 3, 2012 blog titled "looking for a part time job in west philadelphia pa?" It was also published in a Jan 9, 2012 blog titled "Personality Types and Blogging: How Personality May Affect Your Writing, as well as a Jan 12, 2012 blog titled "single mens in chicago, il? gonna moves there to start dating?" And it was published in a Feb 10, 2012 blog titled "Sleep Disorders News : 1800 – 2000 words regarding sleep disorders on insomnia. HUGE TASK ASSIGNMENT. HELP HELP!?
It was also published in a Feb 21, 2012 blog titled "If You Give a Gen-Y a Computer…" And it was published in a Mar 12, 2012 Fast Company blog titled "5 Tips To Retaining Star Gen Y Talent," at www-dot-fastcompany-dot-com/1823890/5-tips-to-retaining-star-gen-y-talent, as well as a Mar 20, 2012 blog titled "Le recrutement via les réseaux sociaux sera la tendance 2012 (étude Viadeo)." It was also published in an Apr 10, 2012 blog titled "The One Where I Turn Writer." And it was published in an Apr 14, 2012 blog titled "Are You Old Enough for Facebook?" It was also published in an Apr 27, 2012 blog titled "Nude Photo of Female Agoura High School Staffer Ends Up On Facebook." And it was published in a May 10, 2012 blog titled "Quiero ser Freelance ¿cómo empiezo?" It was also published in a May 17, 2012 blog titled "What Facebook Teaches Us About Time," as well as a May 30, 2012 blog titled "9 Studies That Show Women Rule Social Media." And it was published in a Jun 10, 2012 blog titled "Women's Studies Should Include High-Tech Mastery," as well as an undated (late Jun 2012) blog titled "La netiqueta."
In the final month of 2012, the photo was published in a blog titled "Does Twitter Improve Education?" And it was published in a Dec 6, 2012 blog titled "Single To SoulMate." It was also published in a Dec 7, 2012 blog titled "Do You Belong to an Online Community?" And it was published in a Dec 11, 2012 blog titled "漂流する彼女。 ," as well as a Dec 11, 2012 blog titled "Calling all Delaney cousins! It was also published in a Dec 12, 2012 blog titled "Status Changing Strain," as well as a Dec 12, 2012 blog titled "Sabies que… pots estudiar de franc a la Universitat de Harvard?", and also a Dec 12, 2012 blog titled "Buscar trabajo fuera de España como alternativa."